Proven Winners

Proven Winners perennials and shrubs have been trialed and tested to be easy to grow, healthy/vigorous, covered in blooms, and long lasting in landscape beds.

First Editions

First Editions® is a premium assortment of shrubs, trees, evergreens, vines and perennials that have been carefully Selected for Success. This means that we focus on plants with traits that are unique and that have outstanding performance in the landscape or in containers to beautify your patio or front porch.

Endless Summer Hydrangeas

The Endless Summer® Collection is the world’s first and best-selling brand of re-blooming hydrangeas. With the introduction of The Original in 2004 by Bailey Nurseries, the world of hydrangeas was revolutionized with this new variety of perennial plants having the ability to bloom on both previous seasons’ growth as well as the current season’s growth. Not only did this allow for the hydrangeas to bloom repeatedly from spring through fall, but also allowed for a greater number of big, beautiful blooms.

Easy Elegance Roses

Easy Elegance Roses are easy-care, beautiful shrub roses that are bred for disease resistance and non-stop bloom. From Texas to Minnesota, Easy Elegance® offers regionally appropriate favorites that can be grown without pesticides and don’t require complicated pruning. Easy Elegance® makes it easy for anyone to enjoy the amazing color and grace roses provide without all the fuss.

**Photos courtesy of Walters Gardens, Inc, Proven Winners, and Baileys Nurseries.**


Thanks for a great year.  We will reopen by May 1, 2025!